速報APP / 生活品味 / Hair Coloring Ideas

Hair Coloring Ideas





版本需求:Android 2.3 以上版本



Hair Coloring Ideas(圖1)-速報App

Hair coloring has become a contemporary trend that is very popular with women, not only women lately men have also started coloring their hair. Giving color to the hair can make someone's appearance more attractive. That is why many people are competing to dye their hair.

Hair Coloring Ideas(圖2)-速報App

Hair dye was originally introduced by Eugene Shuller in 1909, although hair dyes have actually been used since the Neanderthal era, when humans used various means to change hair and skin color. Quoted from Wikipedia, Ancient Gauls and Saxons performed hair coloring to indicate rank or social status.

Hair Coloring Ideas(圖3)-速報App

in this application there are several examples of hair coloring styles that can be your inspiration

Hair Coloring Ideas(圖4)-速報App

Hair Coloring Ideas(圖5)-速報App